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St Alban's Catholic High School

St Alban's
Catholic High School

Student Support

St Alban’s High School has a strong pastoral team of teaching and support staff that are dedicated to providing the best possible pastoral support for our students.

We offer a support network throughout the school, allowing your child to share their concerns and worries. The roles involved in our 2024-25 team include:

Pastoral Support (Key Stages 3, 4 & 5)
Mr M Donohue (Assistant Headteacher & Head of Behaviour)

KS3 (Years 7 & 8)
Mrs H Arthur - Student Support Lead
Mrs B Thomas - Student Support Worker 
Mr M Summers - Head of Year 7
Mr D O'Neill - Head of Year 8

KS4 (Years 9, 10 & 11)
Mrs M Bush - Student Support Lead
Mrs J Gant- Student Support Worker
Mr A McLellan - Head of Year 9
Ms D Tayel - Head of Year 10
Mr O Manning - Head of Year 11

KS5 (Years 12 & 13)
Mr M Mirshemirani - Assistant Head / Head of Sixth Form
Mr S Arthur Toombs - Deputy Head Sixth Form

Inclusion / Learning Support
Mrs C Pickard - Associate Asst. Headteacher & Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo)    Miss H Foster - Assistant SENDCo

Mr Paul Gilbert - Chaplain 

Mrs M Power - Attendance Officer
Mrs C Cook - Attendance Assistant

Children in Care (CiC)
Mrs A Harries - CiC Lead

First Aiders
Mrs J Attwood
Mr M Clarke
Mrs C Gibbons
Mrs A Harries
Miss G Kay
Mrs M Kenney
Mr R Silk
Mrs V White

The safeguarding of our students is extremely important to us. Mrs A Harries is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). You are able to contact her directly through the school if you have any concerns.

Alternate Designated Safeguarding Leads (ADSLs)
Mrs H Arthur

Mrs M Bush


Domestic Abuse
Mrs H Arthur - DA Champion

Mental Health
Mr M Summers - Designated Mental Health Lead (DMHL)

Mental Health First Aiders (MHFAs) (recognisable from wall posters and their purple lanyards)
Mrs H Arthur  Miss G Kay
Mrs J Attwood Mrs H Lewis
Mrs T Beddus Miss J Lewis
Mrs J Codd Mrs J Nichols
Mrs J Colebrook Mrs C Pickard
Mr B Deacon Mrs M Shemming
Mr M Donohue Mrs B Thomas
Mrs P Edwards  
Mrs A Harries Mrs V Williamson
Mr J Hicks Mrs E Wise
Suicide First Aiders
Mrs H Arthur Mr M Donohue
Mrs J Attwood Mrs A Page
Mrs T Beddus Mrs M Shemming
Talking and Drawing Practitioner
Mrs H Arthur
Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs)
Mrs G Mansell Mrs B Thomas

We encourage parents to keep in regular contact with the school regarding any concerns. In the first instance, please contact your child’s form tutor who will involve the pastoral team if necessary.



Anti-Bullying Approach

Details about our 'Bullying and the Restorative Approach' process can be found here

How to Claim Free School Meals

Details of how to claim free school meals and an online application form can be found here

Year 11s - GCSEs and Revision

For tips and advice on helping your child through exam season, you can find out more from here

Self-help Workbooks for Children and Teenagers by Kate Collins-Donnelly 

  • Banish Your Body Image Thief
  • Banish Your Self-Esteem Thief
  • Starving The Anger Gremlin
  • Starving The Anxiety Gremlin
  • Starving The Depression Gremlin
  • Starving The Exam Stress Gremlin
  • Starving The Stress Gremlin


When Your Parent has Cancer - Printable booklet for young people


External Support for Students and Parents (click posters to access applicable websites)   


  • Alumah: 07770 468698. Support for adults and young people in West Suffolk. Will arrange a call back, whatsapp or video link. (Access to The Freedom Programme and Escape the Trap.)

  • Anglia Care Trust Freephone advice line for victims: 0800 9775690 - Open as normal for referrals although staff are working from home so telephone and video messaging support being offered

  • Bury St Edmunds Women’s Aid Centre: 01284 753085. Instant messaging available via website 10am-12pm. Refuge full and referrals currently suspended in order to provide a safe service for residents. Telephone and video support being provided, helpline open while centre closed. 

  • Compassion - Supporting victims of domestic abuse in South Suffolk 07597 337831. Email Referrals by email only.  Telephone, email and text support to clients.  Freedom programmes currently suspended. 

  • Fresh Start New Beginnings – Offering support to young people under 18 who have experienced child sexual abuse, and their families. 01473 353355  Open for referrals, telephone support being provided.

  • iMATTER - Self-referral form

  • Leeway Domestic Abuse Service - Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Service. Continue to support high risk clients with telephone support. Please contact Duty IDVA on 07912 789 145 for any enquiries that are IDVA related. Leeway also have Safety Net Plus who also continue to provide support to migrant victims of domestic abuse and access to immigration advice. This is also being completed remotely. 0300 561 0077.

  • Lighthouse Women’s Aid: 01473 228270 Referrals for refuge currently suspended in order to provide a safe service for residents. Telephone support being provided while centre closed.

  • ­­­­­­­­­­­­Norfolk and Suffolk Victim Care:  0300 303 3706. Email: - Open as normal for referrals and providing telephone support

  • P.H.O.E.B.E.​ Centre  (Promotion of Health, Opportunity, Equality, Benevolence and Empowerment) Ipswich based specialist advice, information, casework, advocacy support and counselling services to black and ethnic minority women and children. 01473 231566. Open by phone 10-2pm weekdays.

  • Suffolk Rape Crisis – 0800 085 0520. Email  Open for referrals, telephone support and online counselling being provided.

  • Surviving Economic Abuse - Please click link for info and resources. Economic abuse can be difficult to identify. It can develop slowly and could begin with behaviour that at first seems protective or caring, for example, offering to take care of all the finances or encouraging you not to work so that you can look after the children. Over-spending, and building up debts in your name or joint names, can also develop slowly and may not be obvious at first. Some women may have lived with economic abuse for many years, and it can continue after leaving.

  • Survivors in Transition – Support for men and women of 18+ who have experienced childhood sexual abuse  01473 232499 / 07765 052282  Email  Open for referrals, telephone support being provided.

  • The Liberty Project - Lowestoft: 0845 467 1420. Referrals for refuge currently suspended in order to provide a safe service for residents. Telephone support being provided

  • The Ferns - Sexual Assault Referral Centre – (SARC)  0300 1235058 Email or Duty Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) telephone 07866 142139 or  ISVAs are all working remotely, they will continue with supporting clients via telephone, email, Skype and in the very near future via Zoom.

  • Waveney domestic violence and abuse forum: 01502 572143 or 07906 245979. Email The Kirkley centre is closed, however, WDVAF are still open, and accepting referrals.  Trauma and Abuse therapy is still running – although now via secure video chat. Support, advice and guidance are still available via telephone, text and email during the current situation.



CHILDLINE - 0800 1111



As the nation mourns the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and other black Americans, images of unrest fill our screens. Discussions of racism and violence dominate the national conversation and the conversations we’re having at home. Children are listening, and they may be scared, angry or confused about what’s going on, while parents (many of whom are struggling to manage our own emotions) are wondering how to help. .

Talking to children about racism and violence is difficult, but it is also necessary — both now and as they grow up. THE CHILD MIND INSTITUTE offer guidance and advice for helping your child process their feelings as well as ideas to help parents dig in to challenging questions without turning away.  They have also recorded a frank, open conversation on this topic between two of their experts, Dr. Kenya Hameed and Dr. Jamie Howard, and rounded up resources to help children build resilience and manage anxiety. Please browse their resources by clicking the above link.


Free workshops to help parents support young people’s mental health. Via Zoom If you are concerned about your child's mental health you can sign up for a free online workshop from NSFT. The workshops are designed to help parents and carers support the mental health of the children they care for. Provided by NSFT's psychology in schools team the workshops have helped over 5,000 people since the first workshop in January 2021.

Workshops available include:

  • Supporting young people with anxiety
  • Supporting young people with challenging behaviour
  • Supporting young people manage uncertainty
  • Supporting young people with low mood
  • Supporting young people who self-harm
  • Supporting young people to manage big feelings
  • Supporting children/adolescents with sleep (11 Years+)

A parent who recently attended the supporting young people with anxiety workshop commented: "This was a really valuable workshop, with the two providers pitching the information at exactly the level I needed. Great to have validation from the other participants (anonymously) via their online comments, really making me feel much more supported in dealing with my daughter's anxiety." Visit the Psychology in Schools Eventbrite page for full details, dates and to book your place. Psychology in Schools Team - NSFT Events | Eventbrite  Previous sessions are available to watch on the trust's YouTube channel.


Big White Wall - Big White Wall is an online community for people who are stressed, anxious or feeling low. The service has an active forum with round-the-clock support from trained professionals. You can talk anonymously to other members and take part in group or one-to-one therapy with qualified professionals.

Calm Halm - Self-harm prevention based on dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), a talking therapy which helps distract from harming thoughts and manage emotions in a more positive way.

Catch It - Learn how to manage feelings like anxiety and depression with Catch It. The app will teach you how to look at problems in a different way, turn negative thoughts into positive ones and improve your mental wellbeing.

Chill Panda - Learn to relax, manage worries, and improve your wellbeing. The app measures your heart rate and suggests tasks to suit your mindframe. Includes simple breathing techniques and light exercises to take your mind off your worries.

Cove - Create music to reflect and express emotions.

Feeling Good: positive mindset - Relax your body and mind with a series of audio tracks designed to help build confidence, energy and positivity. 

MeeTwo - A safe and secure forum for teenagers wanting to discuss any issue affecting their lives. You can anonymously get advice from experts or other teenagers gooing through similar experiences in areas such as mental health, self-harm, relationships and friendships.

My Possible Self - Take control of your thoughts, feelings and behaviour with the My Possible Self mental health app. Use the simple learning modules to manage fear, anxiety and stress and tackle unhelpful thinking. Record your experiences and track symptoms to better understand your mental health. 

Pzizz - Helps you quickly calm your mind, fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up refreshed using 'dreamscapes' - a mix of music, voiceovers and sound effects designed using clinical research. Helps you sleep at night or take power naps during the day.

Stay Alive - A UK suicide prevention resource packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in a crisis. For those having thoughts of suicide or those concerned about someone else.  

Thrive - A game-based app that helps prevent and manage stress, anxiety and related conditions. Can be used to relax before a stressful situation or more regularly to help you live a happier, more stress-free life.


PARENTING SUPPORT (scroll down for online courses)

Age-appropriate Chores!

The Parent Hub - Suffolk County Council
(To search for available courses, click on ‘Parenting programmes overview’  then, ‘view parenting events’ and choose your ‘category’.)

How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk - Book (approx. £10)

SCHOOL REFUSING - EBSA Resources for Children & Families | Suffolk County Council

PACT (Parents and Carers Together) - (Online courses below) - a free video service designed to support and encourage parents and carers of children from ages 0-19, with a collection of over 200 videos addressing day-to-day questions and concerns spanning wellbeing, behaviour and learning. 

Raising Teenagers: The Ultimate Guide  - Book (approx. £15)

Speech and Language Resources

What 3 Words App - Never be lost again!

5 Tips for Families...:
To help a young person with autism
To help a young person with challenging behaviour
To help a young person get better sleep
To help a young person with positive self-talk
To help a young person with going back to secondary school
To help a young person with going back to school with anxiety
To help a young person with going back to school with autism
To help a young person with reducing stress and anxiety
To help a young person who self-harms

Gangs, Teenagers and Your Family

GYROS Roma Support - drop-in sessions and appointments

Incredible Years – Evidence-based parenting resources and strategies

Positive Parenting during COVID-19

Preventing Harmful Sexual Behaviour

Solihull Approach Parenting – Evidence-based parenting resources and strategies

The Freedom Programme (online)

The Parent Hub - Advice and information including access to online and face-to-face parenting programmes

Top Tips for Parents during Home Schooling

Triple P Parenting – Evidence-based parenting resources and strategies

Parent Channel TV - A free video service designed to support and encourage parents and carers of children from ages 0-19, with a collection of over 200 videos addressing day-to-day questions and concerns spanning wellbeing, behaviour and learning.



The Freedom Programme (online course for women) can be accessed here

The Freedom programme (online course for men) can be accessed here


Coastal Parent Hub is now being offered virtually countrywide via Microsoft Teams. Upcoming courses and webinars as follows (click on the links):

Support for parents of a child or children with an Autistic Spectrum Condition


Award winning ONLINE course: Understanding Your Child (0-18 years)

Includes finding out about your child’s brain development and how it affects behaviour. It helps you understand more about why your child behaves a certain way when they are angry, having a temper tantrum or trouble sleeping. You will also learn the importance of playing for your child’s development.
The sessions include:

  • interactive activities
  • quizzes
  • video clips
  • practical handouts
  • other parents’ views
  • ideas to try with your children
  • summaries

Consisting of 13 Modules, most taking about 20 minutes, the course can be done at a time and place that suits you and fits into your family life.

The Modules:

  • How your child develops
  • Understanding how your child is feeling
  • Tuning into what your child needs
  • Responding to how your child is feeling
  • Different styles of parenting
  • Having fun together
  • The rhythm of interaction
  • Why is sleep important?
  • Self-regulation and anger
  • Communication and tuning in
  • Looking back and looking forwards

You will be able to write down your comments and thoughts in a notebook, which you can download as well as information sheets which you can keep to refer back to. You can also revisit the course at any time

ONLINE Antenatal course: Understanding Pregnancy, Birth & Your Baby

ONLINE Postnatal course: Understanding Your baby

ONLINE For parents of teens: The Teenage Brain



Online Healthy Couples Relationships

Join our Relate Relationship Counsellors for a 1.5hr session on how we can keep our relationship healthy during the COVID-19. What a healthy relationship looks like:

  • Couple Relationships
  • Skills for managing relationships
  • Coping with difficult situations
  • Contacts for additional support

This is a live online presentation, where you log in on your computer, phone or tablet. One of our Relationship Counsellors will present the workshop via webcam.  You will not be seen by other attendees and you can ask questions to the facilitator in real time via a chat function which is private and not visible to the rest of the group.

Online Healthy Family Relationships

Join our Relate Relationship Counsellors for a 1.5hr session on how we can keep our family relationships healthy during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Join our Relate Relationship Counsellors for a 1.5hr session on how we can keep our family relationships healthy during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The session will cover:

  • Family Relationships
  • What a healthy family relationship looks like
  • Skills for managing family relationships
  • Coping with difficult situations
  • Contacts for additional support

This is a live online presentation, where you log in on your computer, phone or tablet. One of our Relationship Counsellors will present the workshop via webcam.  You will not be seen by other attendees and you can ask questions to the facilitator in real time via a chat function which is private and not visible to the rest of the group.

Online Carers Support Webinar

This online course covers the basics of how to manage the challenges of being a carer and how you can look after your own wellbeing.

Online Dealing with Sleep Difficulties for 13-17 year olds

A 45 minute webinar providing strategies to help you sleep based on established research. To help you understand how lack of sleep can affect your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Live and interactive, giving you the chance to ask anonymous questions which will be answered during the session.

Useful Websites and Further Reading

You may be interested in some of the websites listed below:

Department for Education
Department of Health
Suffolk County Council - Education & Learning