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St Alban's Catholic High School

St Alban's
Catholic High School


Subject Vision

St Alban's is a Catholic faith-based Academy.  As such, our obligations to deliver a curriculum based in Gospel values are paramount.  Our strategy for delivering Citizenship and PSHE is embedded throughout the life of our school, and is exemplified in our mission statement:

  • To recognise that each individual student and member of staff is a unique creation in the image of God, and
    deserves to be valued equally.
  • To follow Christ’s example by providing a living testimony to the goodness and presence of God and so to prepare our students for a fuller participation as followers of Christ in the life of their community.
  • To develop effective leadership throughout all levels of the staffing structure and to use this to create a successful teaching environment where high expectations of students, staff and governors are met.
  • To provide full opportunity for our students to develop their individual talents and build a strong foundation for their future.

Our school student population is around two thirds Catholic, and as such integrates all other children into our diverse community. This includes other Christian children, children of other faiths, and children who proclaim no faith. Our promotion of tolerance, understanding and values permeates not only curriculum content, but in the way we deliver this content and in the expectations of community spirit.

PSHE is taught by a combination of form tutors and guest speakers.

We aim for students to become rounded citizens who are ready for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in modern Britain.

PSHE strategy is implemented through:

  • Subject content such as History where students are prompted to understand and form views about the lessons that historical events teach us about society.
    Assemblies where Gospel values are interpreted to give meaning to current affairs and contemporary life.
  • Visiting speakers who might for example encourage community and charity work.
  • Tutor time where current affairs, life’s mysteries and learning challenges are explored. Chaplaincy work where the ‘touchstone of faith’ is realised for each child and member of staff at some point each day.
  • Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural aspects of learning are recurring themes through opportunities presented to students in the structure of their lessons.
  • In Religious Education lessons students consider rights and responsibilities, relationships and morals and form and refine their views through discussion and reflection.
  • Students in Year 10 can apply to become peer supporters/student leaders to take on responsibilities within the school for supporting and leading other students, for example in form times, helping with sports clubs and mentoring younger students.
  • Students in Year 11 are encouraged to apply for the NCS National Citizenship Service scheme,  and can also apply to be prefects taking on responsibilities within school.
  • Lessons where students are given opportunities to explore the challenges and tasks of making sense of becoming a citizen who can lead and inspire others and contribute to our culture.  These lessons are taught mainly by form tutors, other teachers and occasionally visiting speakers.  Students have a specific citizenship themed lesson each term in addition to the activities listed above, following topics described below.
  • Departmental Aims ‘Life is an Education’ and through PSHE, tutors deliver a range of topics to students that hold great value in a child’s personal learning to issues in life.  Topics include the meaning of citizenship, careers, relationships, identity, global community, drugs and financial management among many other topics.  Students develop their confidence, discussion skills and awareness of other around them enabling them to make mature and responsible decisions.

Programme Overview and Content of Lessons


Curriculum Content


Students look very much at themselves and their own strengths, developing their skills, enabling a more confident approach to life.  Topics covered in Year 7 include economic wellbeing, personal safety and risk, human rights, introduction to the law, global citizenship, first aid awareness and healthy lifestyles (diet, drugs, exercise)


Students continue to learn about the world around them and how society around them works.  Topics covered in Year 8 include citizenship (attitudes to others, prejudice, money matters), first aid basics, careers, relationships and healthy lifestyles (emotional health, body image, diet, drugs and alcohol). The year group also consider puberty and body changes in line with our policy on sex and relationships education


Students continue with themes from last year, and also begin to look ahead to their own futures.  Students research careers and job opportunities in the local economy and wider, while also thinking about their own skills and interests.  This will help them as they make their GCSE options choices this year.  Other topics include healthy lifestyles (health and stress, drugs and alcohol), first aid awareness, rights and responsibilities (including law), the world of work and how to run a country (mock elections, introduction to voting systems)


Students in Year 10 build on previous learning as they enter Key Stage 4.  Topics include parenting, budgeting, health and safety, careers, legal systems, how to run a country (mock elections, democracy), healthy lifestyles and citizenship (identity)


Sessions in Year 11 have a particular emphasis on students taking responsibility for their decisions and choices, and preparing them for life after GCSEs.  Students will have opportunities to write CVs and practise interview skills as they look to apply for sixth forms, colleges or apprenticeships (all skills that will also help their future economic wellbeing).  Other topics include how to run a county (democracy, mock elections, voting systems), global citizenship issues, financial capability, relationships and first aid awareness


In Year 12, students are encouraged to become active citizens both in school and community.  Starting the year by working on mindset and motivation, they also develop skills for teamworking and coping “in the real world”.  Health and wellbeing sessions include health screening, driving awareness, first aid and how to run a country (democracy, mock elections).  Students also spend time in the summer term building their personal statements and starting the UCAS application process.


In Year 13, students continue with their UCAS and other applications, supported by sessions on CVs and interview skills.  Looking to the future, students consider life after sixth form and costs in the real world as well as coping “in the real world”, and learn more about how the UK is run through mock elections.