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St Alban's Catholic High School

St Alban's
Catholic High School


The Governing body of St Alban's Catholic High School

Interested in becoming a Parent or Foundation Governor? Please click here to find out how

Name Responsibility Appointment date Term ends Appointed by Attendance at FGB Meetings
Mar Jul Sep Dec
2024 2024 2023 2023
Foundation Governors
Philip Dance Chair/School Trips/SEND May 2018 Apr 2026 Bishop y y y y
Sean Hayes Vice Chair/Pupil Premium Oct 2019 Sep 2027 Bishop y y y -
Father Tony Rogers - Sep 2018 Sept 2024 Bishop - - - -
Mags Oakley Careers/Sixth Form Sep 2019 May 2028 Bishop y y y y
Austin Adigwe Safeguarding Mar 2019 Feb 2027 Bishop y y y y
Jessica McCall Chaplaincy/Mental Health & Wellbeing June 2023 May 2027 Bishop y y y y
Ian Hughes Health & Safety/Filtering & Monitoring Sep 2022 Aug 2026 Bishop y y - y
Parent Governors



CiC Children in Care Jan 2024 Jan 2028



y y    



  Jul 2024 Jun 2028



Staff Governors
Nick Berry - Oct 2020 Oct 2024 Staff Body y - - y
Ex Officio
Matt Baker Headteacher - - Ex-Officio y y y
End of Term of Office
Name Appointment Date Term Ends Resignation Date Appointed By Attendance at FGB Meetings
Sep Nov Mar Nov
2020 2020 2021 2020
Pamela Jones   Jun 2021 Jul 2023 Parent Body - y y y
Joanna McCall  Chair / Looked after Children / SEND Apr 2020 Jul 2023 Bishop y y y y
Victoria Squirrell Chaplaincy Dec 2018 Nov 2022 Bishop y y y y

There are no relationships between current staff, governors or trustees listed above

Governors' pecuniary interests can be found here

Governors can be contacted via the main school office on 01473 726178

The current committee structure can be found here

Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Multi Academy Trust

Information regarding the Directors and Members of the Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Multi Academy Trust can be found via the following links to the Our Lady of Walsingham Catholic Multi Academy Trust website: