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St Alban's Catholic High School

St Alban's
Catholic High School


Our Pupil Admission Number (PAN) per year group is 174. Places are allocated based on our admissions policy. It is always helpful to complete one of our Supplementary Information Forms (SIF) to give us as much information as possible about your child to apply the admissions policy as fairly as possible.


Year 7 Admission 

The normal transition process (eg moving from primary to high school) is conducted on our behalf by Suffolk Country Council. You will receive information via your current school in Year 6 on the process. Please contact Suffolk Country Council Admissions Team for advice with regards to transfer.

Admissions Team
Endeavour House
8 Russell Road
Tel: 0345 600 0981

Key Dates

  • 31st October: Deadline for applications. Please submit the CAF application to Suffolk Country Council AND submit your supplementary information form (SIF) with supporting evidence to ourselves. Click here to download a copy.
  • 1st March: National Offer Day. Confirmation of allocated school place, issued by Suffolk Country Council.


In Year Admission 

An application can be made for a school place at any time during the current school year, directly to the school. Children will be admitted where there are available places. An application should be made to the school by completing the in-year application form (ADM) together with a supplementary information form (SIF) and supporting evidence.  All paperwork should be submitted to


The Admissions Officer
St Alban's Catholic High School
Digby Road

Where there are places available, but more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria will be applied. Copy of this is set out in the 2024/2025 admissions policy. Parents are advised to read the admissions policy carefully before making their application.

If there are no places available, the child will be added to the waiting list. Please read the admissions policy for more details

You will be advised of the outcome of your application in writing within 15 school days.

You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel if your application is unsuccessful. This is managed by the Educational Appeal Office, who can be contacted on or call directly on 01473 264218 or 264219.


Student Data Collection

For every new pupil joining us, we need to obtain an accurate student record along with consent forms. If you have received a letter inviting you to do so, please complete this form carefully: Student data and consent collection form

All of the information is relevant and will help us maintain an accurate school record for your child. If you are unable to complete this form online, please contact the school via email at or call us on 01473-726178 for a paper copy.


Links to all below:

In Year Application Form (ADM)

School Admissions Policy 2024/2025

Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2024/2025

School Admissions Policy 2025/2026

Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2025/2026

School Admissions Policy 2026/2027

Supplementary Information Form (SIF) 2026/2027



If you are interested in applying for a place here at St Alban's or have any questions, we would be happy to help.

Email :

Telephone : 01473 726178

Post :

The Admissions Officer
St Albans Catholic High School
Digby Road