The Brilliant Club
The Brilliant Club is an award-winning university access charity that works with schools and universities across the UK.
Our Mission
The Brilliant Club exists to increase the number of pupils from under-represented backgrounds progressing to highly selective universities. We do this by mobilising the PhD community to share its academic expertise with state schools.
What We Do
In pursuit of our mission, The Brilliant Club runs two core programmes; The Scholars Programme and Researchers in Schools.
The Scholars Programme
The Scholars Programme recruits, trains and places doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in schools to deliver programmes of university-style tutorials, which are supplemented by two university trips. As a school St Alban’s have run two groups one in Year 9 and one in Year 10.
Mrs Pickard has managed the groups and despite this being challenging at times it is extremely rewarding for our students. The feedback provided reinforces the need to continue to run this programme. The next Year 9 cohort will begin their programme in December.
Congratulations to our Year 9 Brilliant Graduates!
Further information about this programme can be accessed by clicking the link below: