Diocesan Youth Synod
On Sunday 4th November Mrs Edwards the school Chaplin and I went to the Diocesan Youth Synod.
The Synod followed on from a Synod that happened a couple of weeks ago in Rome and the Bishop had decided he wanted to do one here in the diocese.
The topic was Youth, Faith and Vocational discernment, which was the same themes as the one in Rome. At the beginning of the day we were split into groups, Youth and Adult Leaders. The younger group went outside and we played some games to get to know each other. Then Kieran and Jessica from the ‘Ignite’ team asked us questions about our Parishes, for example they asked does your Parish welcome the Youth, a lot of the group kept their hands down. After that we all went inside to answer similar questions to those asked in Rome, we sat in small groups of 4 or 5 and answered them together.
The answers will all be collated by the Ignite team and feed back to the Bishop and Director of Youth. We then had a Q&A session with a panel where we were able to ask anonymous questions of the Bishop, Sister Teresa from Walsingham, Farther Luke the Ignite Chaplin and Parish Priest at Mildenhall, Hamish Director of Youth and Cat Team Leader for the ignite team. The day was ended with Benediction and prayer. I had a great day and enjoyed being involved with helping the diocese.
By Alice Yr 11.