Below you can find a copy of our latest risk assessment and behaviour policy addendum for students and parents/carers for the current COVID-19 pandemic:
Risk Assessment COVID-19 addendum - latest update 01/03/22
Behaviour Policy COVID-19 addendum - May 2020
Help with accessing remote teaching on MS Teams
In the links below you can find two help files from our Digital Learning Coordinator, Mr Robinson. They aim to help you find your way around MS Teams and work out how best to access remote lessons. Please click on the title to download the help file.
MS Teams student training - how to best access your work on MS Teams
Student Virtual Lessons - how your timetable will work remotely and how to take part in remote lessons
You can also go to our MS Teams page on this website - please click here
Remote Education Provision - Information for Parents
To download information on our remote learning provision please click on the link below:
Remote education provision information (pdf)
Contacting your teachers or form tutor by email
We have set up a new Staff List page so that you can email your teachers or form tutor easily if you have questions. You can get to this page by using this link:
To email a member of staff you should use their initial followed by their
For example, Mr J Smith would be
Please remember that it may take a while for them to reply to you, as many have families they have to help look after or they may be unwell. Please be patient.
Support for families with English as an additional language:
British Council:
You can also find links to Covid-19 advice in 11 different languages on our Student Support page.
Advice for Parents/Carers following the announcement of school closures can be found here:
You can also find information and support from Suffolk County Council at this link:
Trips and Visits
All future educational visits are cancelled or on hold, at present. We will inform parents and carers as soon as we have information about when such visits will be able to take place. We are in contact with EVOLVE, our risk management team for trips and visits, and we will post further information here.
Department for Education helpline
The department for Education have launched a helpline to answer questions about COVID-19 related to education. Staff, parents and young people can contact the helpline as follows:
Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)
Please call this helpline if you have any concerns about COVID-19 and how this may effect your child's education.
They also emphasise that personal hygiene continues to be the most important way we can tackle COVID-19. Please help us in sharing simple and effective hand hygiene messages with your family and friends.
How to avoid catching or spreading Coronavirus
Common Questions
You can find answers to a number of common questions on the COVID-19 virus at the following NHS web page:
If you have any questions or concerns relating to this matter please contact the school.