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St Alban's Catholic High School

St Alban's
Catholic High School

Suffolk County Council Funded School Travel

Dear Parent/Carer

Suffolk County Council have asked us to share the attached information with parents, however it will not apply to all of you.

Please read the attached school travel policy carefully.

If your child is eligible for SCC funded school travel you will need to opt-in by 31 May 2022 to receive travel for the start of the 2022/2023 school year.

If your child already receives SCC funded school travel you still need to opt-in every year.

If your child is starting secondary school in September 2022 and they are eligible for SCC funded school travel you will be contacted by the 30 March 2022. You will need to opt-in if you would like your child to use this service.

If your child is starting primary school in September 2022 and they are eligible for SCC funded school travel you will be contacted by the 15 May 2022. You will need to opt-in if you would like your child to use this service.

For more information on the SCC school travel policy and getting your child to school please visit;

Alternatively you can call the passenger transport team on 0345 606 6173 or email them at