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St Alban's Catholic High School

St Alban's
Catholic High School


Year 7 to 9 Curriculum Content 

The outline for Physical Education at Key Stage 3 is aimed to develop flexibility and personalised learning. The KS3 curriculum is based around four key concepts:

• Selecting skills

• Tactical application

• Evaluation

• Knowledge of fitness and health


Instead of teaching a specific sport when outwitting opponents the focus in year 7 is to teach concepts of all invasive games through a series of ‘Hybrid Games’. These games have been designed by the department to give students the necessary skills and knowledge to play any invasive game where the ability to outwit an opponent is key. students are also given opportunities to develop their skills in a variety of roles that promote life-skills such as captain, warm-up coach and equipment manager.


Moving into year 8 students take what they have learned during year 7 and begin to focus on specific sports such as rugby and netball. During this time they will develop the core skills of the game and develop a more in depth understanding of fitness and health.


The focus in year 9 whilst still developing the core skills of each game puts far more emphasis on the tactical aspects of each game and the various specialist positions/roles that are required to perform at a competitive level. This is also an opportunity for students to experience more GCSE specific content as they continue their journey to choosing their subjects for GCSE study.

Year 10 and 11 Curriculum Content 

BTEC Level 2 First Award in Sport



This course provides an engaging and relevant introduction to the world of sport. It incorporates important aspects of the industry, such as fitness testing and training for sport and exercise, the psychology of sport, practical sports performance and sports leadership. It enables students to develop and apply your knowledge, while also developing a range of relevant practical, communication and technical skills.


The qualification is 120 GLH and level 1/level 2, which is the same size and level as a GCSE, and is aimed at everyone who wants to develop their understanding of different areas within the sports industry.

You will study the following three mandatory units, covering the underpinning knowledge and skills required for the sports sector:

● Unit 1 fitness for sport and exercise

● Unit 2 practical sports performance

● Unit 3 applying the principles of personal training.


You will build on the knowledge gained in the mandatory units by choosing one further unit, covering areas such as:

● Unit 4 the mind and sports performance

● Unit 5 the sports performer in action

● Unit 6 leading sports activities.


Examination Requirements

You will carry out tasks/assignments throughout the course. Your teacher will assess and mark these, and so you will receive feedback as to how you are getting on.

This qualification is taught over 120 guided learning hours (GLH). It has mandatory and optional specialist units.

These units include:

● three mandatory units (totalling 90 GLH)

● one optional specialist unit (totalling 30 GLH).

The assessment for Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise is an onscreen test which is marked by Pearson. It is 75 minutes long and marked out of 60.

The assessment for Unit 2: Practical Performance in Sport will be based on students demonstrating knowledge of rules, skills, tactics and analysis of practical sports. Video evidence will be generated to support the internal assessment of this unit.

For the assessment for Unit 3: Applying the Principles of Personal Training, will take the form of a training program that is planned, implemented and then written up with data analysis and an evaluation. Students will be able to draw on the knowledge, skills and understanding they have developed in the qualification as a whole.

The assessment of the optional Unit will be conducted internally and will consist of both written and practical work that will be compiled for assessment by your teacher.


Input and commitment from students

You need to have a genuine interest in sport both in and outside of school. Although not essential it is helpful if you are involved in a sporting team or club outside of school. You will be expected to attend extra-curricular clubs to help contribute to the internal assessments conducted throughout the course. You will be expected to meet all deadlines set and accept that there will be a significant amount of SAIL/homework for the duration of the course. It goes without saying that you will need to be adequately equipped at all times for a large number of practical lessons that take place throughout the course.


Support from school

Every Monday evening in A6 students will have an opportunity to consolidate their learning and write up their evidence for internal assessments and prepare for the on line test for Unit 1. There will also be opportunities throughout each half-term to attend various extra-curricular clubs. Note: Subject to change regarding COVID19 Guidelines.


Support from parents/carers

Regular communication with parents/carers is essential to the success of each student. Parents will need to encourage students to attend the monday evening sessions and ensure that they have a full PE kit to enable them to access the practical components of the course.


Opportunities for the future

If you are interested in taking your study of sport further, the subject-specific knowledge and skills outlined above, and developed through studying this qualification, will give you a strong foundation for academic or vocational study at level 3, including apprenticeships. It will go particularly well alongside GCSEs in EBacc subjects (including biology), GCSEs in creative subjects (such as drama, music and art) and/or other Technical Awards (e.g. BTEC Health and Social Care, BTEC Business or Tech Award DIT) to provide both curriculum breadth and the skills you need to make informed choices about study post-16.


For further details, please contact Mr Roche

Year 12 and 13 Curriculum Content

A Level Physical Education

A level physical education is the first stepping stone into the world of sports science. Candidates are required to demonstrate a wide variety of skills to be successful on this course.

From September 2017 A Level PE is a linear course where all credit for assessment is awarded at the end of year 13. Students will study a variety of topics spanning 7 units. The basic assessment breakdown can be seen below:



For detailed information please click the link below to view the full specification