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St Alban's Catholic High School

St Alban's
Catholic High School


Department Aims

The geography department seeks to develop knowledge and understanding of the Earth and its people, to be aware of the world around us and through this to increase their tolerance and empathy towards others. This approach helps to prepare students to be active citizens in a changing world.

Iceland 2024

Click on the image below to watch a video of our recent trip to Iceland.

Our Vision

Geographers are inspired, inquisitive and fascinated about the World and its people.

Geography Curriculum document - Please click here for the full document. This includes full details of intent, implementation and impact within the Geography curriculum.

For individual year groups or other areas, you can access the relevant information below:

Year 7 

Year 7 - Curriculum Overview Map - please click on the image below

Year 8 

Year 8 - Curriculum Overview Map - please click on the image below


Year 9 

Year 9 - Curriculum Overview Map - please click on the image below


Year 10 

Year 10 - Curriculum Overview Map - please click on the image below


Year 11 

Year 11 - Curriculum Overview Map - please click on the image below


A Level 

Year 12 - Curriculum Overview Map - please click on the image below

Year 13 - Curriculum Overview Map - please click on the image below


Pupil Premium Students 

All educational trips are offered for free to Pupil Premium students.  Students are also given free copies of the GCSE revision guide for each topic. If needed, access to a laptop can be arranged to ensure students can access our digital resources.

Further Education and Careers 

  1. St Albans Catholic High School Sixth Form – The prospectus

  2. St Alban’s Sixth Form Instagram

  3. Norfolk and Suffolk Coast Forums: Careers in Coastal Management:  

The Norfolk and Suffolk Coast Forums, their partners and sponsors would like to invite students and teachers to take part in the Norfolk and Suffolk Coast and Estuaries Conference held annually. These events are free of charge, fully virtual with a specific platform for students as well as a virtual careers fair, setting our opportunities for those considering a career in coastal management. For more information or contact  

  1. We also have ex geography students deliver career talks to our GCSE geography students as part of our schools alumni talk – careers fortnight programme.  


Parent\Carer Advice for GCSE


We know that Parents/Guardians may be nervous about supporting Geography GCSE students at home but you can play a vital role in supporting your child to achieve a good grade. We have created the attached guide to working with your child at home with some helpful advice and tips. The video explores these in more detail and shows you how to use the supporting resources.

Please contact us if you need any more information.

Parent support GCSE

Parent Support GCSE Video

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Key word lists

Case study take 10s.

Iceland Trip

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